Our chiropractic professionals employ a wide range of proven techniques for each individual case. Below, you’ll find a brief explanation of the popular chiropractic techniques we use at our practice. Chiropractors focus on dysfunctions that can result from irregularities spinal structure or movement. They rely heavily on hands-on procedures to determine structural and functional problems, and they use manipulation to promote normal bodily function correcting or preventing these structural deviations. The principal procedure used by many chiropractors is a form of manipulation known as adjustment that refers to a variety of manual mechanical interventions.
While undergoing adjustment, it is important that the patient remain relaxed for this to be effective. A certain speed of the thrust is employed to ensure that the patient's muscles have no time
to contract and so restrict the movement. Cracking or popping sound may be heard during the thrust: this is caused by gases in the synovial fluid (the lubricating fluid inside each joint capsule) and
is harmless.
Most chiropractors will treat only a joint that they believe is misaligned or subluxated. Some, however, may treat the whole spine or concentrate only on one area.
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Diversified Technique
This is standard osseous (bony) adjusting of the full spine. There are some 58 "set-ups" for correction of the spine (called Spinal Manipulation), and some 140 for correction of extremities (called Extra-Spinal Manipulation), such as used for knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder and wrist.
Cox Flexion Distraction
If you are suffering from back, leg, neck, or arm pain and do not want to pursue surgery, the Cox Flexion/Distraction technique offers one option. It is considered a safe alternative to back surgery,
and helps restore the range of motion in joints and muscles after bringing the spine into alignment. Treatment is performed on a special table that flexes and bends various muscles and joints. It is
commonly used to restore herniated discs, reduce headaches, and improve posture.
Applied Kinesiology
Applied KInesiology deals not only with the placement of bones, but with the muscles that hold them in position. Chiropractors employing applied kinesiology use special techniques to help balance
opposing muscles attached to a misaligned bone. Light massage is given to various reflexes and sometimes to acupressure points. This restores normal muscle function, in order to allow the adjustments
to be more effective.
Trigger Point
The primary purpose of Trigger Point Therapy is to reduce the pain that results from hypersensitive muscles. Trigger points are identified by gently pressing on the surface of the skin, sensing the
texture of the underlying muscle.
A trigger point is like a knot the size of a pea, buried deep in the muscle tissue. It is made up of lactic acid, a normal byproduct of muscular activity, which sometimes gets trapped in the muscle
from physical, chemical or emotional stress.
Nimmo Technique
Application of simple pressure to tender areas to release muscles from localized spasm.
Custom-made devices placed in the shoes to treat posture problems, such as uneven leg length, spinal curvature and tilted
Additional therapies
Our office employs many physical therapy modalities, including ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, hot and ice pack, infered therapy, TENS therapy and therapuic exercise to
complement our other techniques.